Creating a tab-delimited file for fluoride data

Data files must first be created and saved in the correct format before sending them to the WFRS Administrator. The data file must be an Excel or text file and must contain the correct fields and be in the correct order.

You can manually create a tab-delimited file or request and obtain a template file from the WFRS Administrator.

Creating a tab-delimited file for Fluoride Data

To create a tab-delimited file:

  1. Send an e-mail to the WFRS Administrator ( and request for the Fluoride Data template or manually create a tab-delimited file as follows:

  2. Enter the fluoride data in the appropriate columns (Excel) or fields (Notepad) as described in the table below.
    If using Notepad, use the Tab key to move to the next field.



    State PWS ID

    The state ID for the PWS.


    Year for which fluoride is tracked.


    Month for which fluoride is tracked.


    Point for which fluoride is tracked.

    Average reading

    Average result of the daily testing.

    Highest reading

    High result of the daily testing.

    Lowest reading

    Low result of the daily testing.

    Sufficient Samples

    Indicate by entering Yes or No if sufficient samples were available or reported.

    Sufficient Samples in range

    Indicate by entering Yes or No if sufficient samples are in range.

    PWS Split Result

    Results of the PWS split samples.

    State Split Result

    State split result of the split samples.

    Sample Date

    Sample date for the specific month in the format: 1/11/2011 (m/dd/yyyy)

    Split Samples – Comments

    Comments about the split samples.

  3. Send the completed file to the WFRS Administrator at

Examples of completed files


Screenshot of fluoride upload file template


Screenshot of fluoride upload file template