Running Average Fluoride Levels by Month Reports                                                 


This report generates a listing of monthly fluoride average readings for systems with fluoridation status of adjusted or defluoridated (monitored). The report shows all values for the selected year, with a calculated simple average displayed in a column.


Step-by-Step Instructions

To run the Summary reports:

  1. Access the Summary reports page by clicking on the Reports link on the navigation bar, and then clicking on the Average Fluoride Levels by Month Reports link. The system displays the fields for selecting report options and also displays a report generated based on the default options.

    Screenshot of Average Fluoride Level Report

  2. In the Year field, select the year for which you want to run the report from the drop down list.

  3. To include optional columns in the report, select the check box for the optional columns to include, i.e., Region, and/or Status.

  4. Click Generate Report. The system generates the Summary report based on the option selected.

    Screenshot of Average Fluoride Level Report