Running Fluoridated Status Reports                                                


The Fluoridated Status Report displays the primary county and population served by all water systems. These reports provide several ways to sort and display water systems, and can be filtered by fluoridated, non-fluoridated, or all systems. In addition, water systems can be grouped by the county or counties and water system name or include consecutive systems listed under their parent water systems.

In addition to the following columns displayed in the report by default, PWS ID, PWS Name, Status, Primary County, and Population Served, you can also choose to include any or all of the following optional columns in the report, Chemical, Region, Fluoridation Start Date, Contact Name, and Phone #.

Note: Upon accessing a report, the default report is displayed based on default options. As soon as you select an option, the system enables the Save Current Setting as Default link. If you save your default setting, the system applies the saved settings to the report options for the Fluoridated Status Report.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To run the Fluoridated Status report:

  1. Access the Fluoridated Status report by clicking on the Reports link on the navigation bar, and then click on the Fluoridated Status Reports link. The system displays the fields for selecting report options and also displays a report generated based on the default options.

    Screenshot of Fluoridated Status Report

  2. To change the report options:

  3. Click Generate Report. The system generates the Fluoridated Status report based on the option selected.