Manage counties served by a water system


After adding a water system, you can proceed to manage the counties served by the water system by clicking the Save & Continue to Manage Counties Served >> link on the Add New Water System or the Edit Water System page.

All water systems must have a primary county served. If a water system serves a population in more than one county, then a county must be designated as the primary county served, and the second county can also be added to that water system. The population served in each county should be indicated.

Important notes about Population Served and Total Population Served:

Add a secondary county

Edit secondary county information

Delete a county

Step-by-Step Instructions

To add a secondary county:

  1. Click the Add New County link.

    Screenshot of Add Secondary County page

  2. Select a county from the County Name drop down list.

  3. In the Type drop down list, select a county type, i.e. Primary or Secondary.

  4. In the Population Served field, enter the population that the system serves in the county.

  5. Click the Save link. The system saves the new county information and displays a confirmation message.
    The sum of the data in the Population Served column for each county must equal the Total Population Served.

    Screnshot of confirmation message for Add Secondary County


To edit secondary county data:

  1. Click the Edit link on the same row as the secondary county that you want to edit.

    Screenshot of Edit Secondary County page

  2. Edit the Type and Population Served fields as desired.

  3. Click the Save link. The system saves the new county information and displays a confirmation message.

    Screnshot of confirmation message for Edit Secondary County

To delete a county:

Note: You cannot delete a primary county if it is the only county that exists for the PWS.

  1. Click the Delete link on the same row as the county that you want to delete. The system displays a message requesting that you confirm your action.

    Screenshot of delete county confirmation message

  2. Click OK. The system deletes the county and displays a confirmation message.

    Screnshot of confirmation message for Delete Secondary County