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Total Deaths Data Set


United States

100% Alcohol-Attributable   Category
Alcohol abuse20-24156 
Alcohol cardiomyopathy20-2410 
Alcohol dependence syndrome20-24149 
Alcohol polyneuropathy25-2910 
Alcoholic gastritis20-2410 
Alcoholic liver disease20-242315 
Alcoholic myopathy50-5411 
Alcoholic psychosis20-2423 
Alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis20-2492 
Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis20-2410 
Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol20-2410 
Fetal alcohol syndrome< 101 
Cancer   Category
Cancer, breast (females only)20-24x5 
Cancer, colorectal20-242211 
Cancer, esophageal20-2410 
Cancer, laryngeal25-2911 
Cancer, liver20-24913 
Cancer, oral cavity and pharyngeal20-2432 
Cancer, pancreatic20-2422 
Cancer, prostate (males only)20-241x 
Cancer, stomach20-24108 
Heart Disease and Stroke   Category
Atrial fibrillation20-2411 
Coronary heart disease20-245723 
Stroke, hemorrhagic20-243331 
Stroke, ischemic20-241517 
Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas   Category
Esophageal varices20-2410 
Gallbladder disease20-2451 
Gastroesophageal hemorrhage25-2911 
Liver cirrhosis, unspecified20-241514 
Pancreatitis, acute20-242210 
Pancreatitis, chronic25-2912 
Portal hypertension30-3421 
Other Chronic Causes   Category
Chronic hepatitis20-2410 
Infant death, low birth weight< 12723 
Infant death, preterm birth< 116381342 
Infant death, small for gestational age< 144 
Unprovoked seizures, epilepsy, or seizure disorder20-2415485 
Alcohol-Related Poisonings   Category
Alcohol poisoning15-19223 
Poisoning (not alcohol)15-191067445 
Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes   Category
Motor vehicle traffic crashes< 14841 
Suicide   Category
Suicide by and exposure to alcohol15-1911 
Other Acute Causes   Category
Air-space transport15-1953 
Child maltreatment< 1154101 
Fall injuries15-19468 
Fire injuries15-192719 
Firearm injuries15-1910212 
Motor vehicle nontraffic crashes15-193112 
Occupational and machine injuries15-1981 
Other road vehicle crashes15-193410 
Water transport15-19197 