Tell us what you think about this MCRC catalog item. Write a review and share your
opinions with others. Please be sure to focus your comments on this catalog item.
(Except where noted, long text responses are limited to 500 characters.)
*Enter a review title
Which materials from the MCRC catalog were used in conjunction with this item?
Consider all the materials that were used in the campaign.
Did they present a coherent, comprehensive, unified message? If not, how could the campaign have been improved?
*Describe the media buy for this material, if applicable:
(GRPs, number of times the ad was aired, or other measures)
Describe intended effects and, for each effect, whether it was achieved and by how much.
(example: "Increase Quitline call volume by 20% ā achieved 22% increase within first 6 months")
*Did you conduct any formative research in the selection of this catalog item?
If so, are you willing to share your research findings with other states and tobacco
control partners?
*Do you have outcome evaluation data?
If so, are you willing to share this data with other states and tobacco control partners?
How well did this catalog item fit into your own state/local brand or program?
*Would you recommend this material to other states for use?
If so, under what circumstances would you recommend it be used?
Enter any additional comments: (maximum of 1,500 characters)