Here is a sample of script from this video:
Hello and welcome to the
CDC Office on Smoking and Health
Media Campaign Resource Center.
Called MCRC for short, it's the
nation's premier collection
of counter-tobacco
marketing materials
available for public use.
Think of this video series,
based on feedback from
users like you,
as your insider's guide to the
In this first video, you'll
learn how to register,
log on, and navigate to
find exactly what you need.
We'll start on the
MCRC homepage.
The homepage offers quick links
to common search topics,
featured ads and campaigns,
training features,
and MCRC news and announcements.
Examples of pre-programmed
quick searches on this page
include "Ads in Cycle."
These are ads currently in
use whose initial fees
have already been paid.
There also are free
ads and ads that are new.
Clicking these
icons is a quick way to
dive right into
the collection.
An example of a featured
you'll see on the homepage
is the popular
"Tips From Former Smokers,"
developed by the CDC.
Simply click the icon provided
here, and you'll be taken to a
comprehensive list of Tips ads
from this campaign.
Another way to find
what you're looking for
is entering a topic or ad title
directly into the search box
under the MCRC logo
and clicking "search."
Or, simply click "Browse All" to
view the entire database,
then choose from the
list of filter options
to narrow your search.
Also on the homepage is a
link to the MCRC "News" box.
This is where
you'll find announcements about
recent additions or new health
observations that may be useful
as you plan your campaign.
You can browse the
MCRC at any time.
But, in order to view
videos, hear audio,
put items in your cart,
or place orders,
you will need an account.
You can create an account at
any time by selecting "Register"
in the upper- right hand corner
before you start your search.
This screen will then come up,
where you can
enter your information.
When you get to the section that
asks you to create a password,
read the pop-up screen first to
know which
characters you can use.