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Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity: Data, Trends and Maps

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Breastfed infants supplemented with formula before 3 months

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Percent of breastfed infants who were supplemented with infant formula before 3 months †‡§
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Formula supplementation is defined as supplementation of breast milk with formula (with or without other supplementary liquids or solids) among infants breastfed at 3 months.
Breastfeeding rates through 2008 births are based on the National Immunization Survey's landline sampling frame.Starting with 2009 births, rates are based on the National Immunization Survey's dual-frame sample that includes respondents surveyed on landline or cellular telephones.If you would like more information about the sampling methodology and the impact of adding a sample of cellular telephone respondents to the National Immunization Survey, you can visit
§Only breastfeeding rates based on a dual-frame sample that includes respondents surveyed on landline or cellular telephones are included in trend graphics.If you would like more information about the sampling methodology and the impact of adding a sample of cellular telephone respondents to the National Immunization Survey, you can visit

Data Source

National Immunization Survey


National Immunization Survey -
Breastfeeding indicators are calculated by year of child's birth rather than survey year.Because children are 19-35 months of age at the time of the parent interview, each survey year represents children born over three years and each birth year can consist of respondent data from up to three survey years.The rates from the 2009 birth year and onward represent about 2/3rds of the NIS participant children born in this year.These rates will not be replaced the following year with final rates as was done previously.To maximize the sample size for state-level estimates by socio-demographic categories, 3 birth years are combined for analysis.

National includes 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Suggested Citation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity.Data, Trend and Maps [online]. [accessed Jul 26, 2024]. URL: