| Take the First Step Animated Social Media Bundle 
Cost Free (with limitations)
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion, Tobacco Products - Menthol
Description These ads were used as bumper/traffic ads to get people to learn more about the specialized support programs that 1-800-QUIT-NOW offers. This includes the programs for people who use menthol products, pregnant persons, and people with mental/behavioral health challenges.
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| Take the First Step Out of Home 
Languages English, Spanish
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion
Description These "Take the First Step" out-of-home and newspaper ads feature the 1-800-QUIT-NOW quitline number and website.
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| Take the First Step Print 
Languages English, Spanish
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion
Description These "Take the First Step" newspaper ads feature the 1-800-QUIT-NOW quitline number and website.
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| Take the First Step Social Media 
Media Type Social Media Materials
Languages English, Spanish
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion
Description These are organic social media images we used to promote 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Images feature the benefits of calling the Quitline and motivational phrases for support.
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| Take the First Step Social Media (Stock Images) 
Media Type Social Media Materials
Languages English, Spanish
Cost Free (with limitations)
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion
Description These are organic social media images we used to promote 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Images feature the benefits of calling the Quitline and motivational phrases for support. These items contain stock images that may require a license payment.
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| Take the First Step Video 
Languages English, Spanish
Cost Free (with limitations)
Produced For Massachusetts Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program
Themes Addiction, Cessation - General, Quitline Promotion
Description The :30 video ad was part of the "Take the First Step" campaign to get people who use tobacco products to connect with 1-800-QUIT-NOW. The video uses encouraging, no-judgment language to empower people to reach out, create a quit plan, and start their nicotine-free journey. The :90 video is a longer promotional video to explain the details of what to expect when you call 1-800-QUIT-NOW.
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