These partnerships have improved the procurement of lower-sodium ingredients, increased the development of new low-sodium menu items, and promoted lower-sodium foods to patrons. For example, at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, four new grain-based salads averaging less than 50 mg sodium and four new grab-and-go wraps averaging less than 600 mg were added. From November 2018 to April 2019, consumption of fresh whole fruit increased by over 15% and of water increased by 62%. At City of Hope, achievements included replacement of six high-sodium ingredients, resulting in an average sodium decrease of 58% for affected ingredients. At Rady Children’s, 20% of menu ingredients exceeded sodium limits outlined by Good Choice food purchasing criteria standards, and lower-sodium substitutions were recommended for 46 of these higher-sodium items.
What's Next
The County of San Diego HHSA is working with Rady Children’s to lower the sodium content of the 46 menu items recommended for substitution. Los Angeles and San Diego Counties will also continue to cultivate partnerships with hospitals and other venues (e.g., universities) to help them buy lower-sodium ingredients and improve the nutritional quality of foods served. Also, more fresh, visually appealing plant-based foods will be made available to their consumers, and the Eat Your Best educational campaign will be expanded in hospital cafeterias and university food venues to promote the consumption of these foods.