[Narrator] Have you ever heard someone say something that made you feel really good about your work? Maybe it was a person who was positively affected by your efforts. I f you are still in touch with that person, you may have a source for a great call out quote. You can use quotes from partners, participants, leaders, field experts, or anyone else who can clearly describe the importance or impact of the initiative. This may include a principal who has seen positive results among students because of a healthier school lunch program, or it can be a child who no longer lives in fear of asthma attacks since now, with the help of the community nurse, she manages her asthma on a daily basis. You can even develop quotes from noteworthy individuals who have been positively impacted by your work. These quotes are an important part of your story because they show how your efforts affected the lives of real people. You must have written permission from the person to use his or her quote and provide his or her name right after the quote. You should always save important release documentation in your files. Information inside quotation marks must be approved by the speaker.