Update PWS Population Served                               


The PWS Population Served page allows you to update the population served by a PWS by entering the information directly into the system or uploading the population served data to the WFRS administrator in a tab-delimited file. The following information is displayed for each PWS: PWS ID and full name of the public water system, total population served by the water system, and the date the population served information was last updated. Click on a column heading to sort the table by a particular column.

Note: The data displayed does not include the population of connected consecutive systems to the listed PWS.

Update the population served by a PWS

Send population served data to the WFRS Administrator by e-mail

Step-by-Step Instructions

To update the population served by a PWS:

  1. Access the PWS Population Served page by clicking the Population Data link on the WFRS navigation bar and then clicking the PWS Population Served link at the top of the Population Data page.  

    Screenshot of PWS Population Served page

  2. Click the Edit link on the same row as the PWS that you want to edit. The system makes the Population Served number editable for the specific PWS.

    Screenshot of Edit PWS Population Served page

  3. Update the population served number as necessary and click Save. The system saves the updated population served number and displays a confirmation message.

    Screenshot of Save PWS Population Served confirmation message

To send population served data to the WFRS Administrator by e-mail:

  1. Prepare the tab-delimited file for upload.
    Before uploading population data, please click the View Instructions for creating the PWS Population Served Data upload file link for step-by-step instructions on creating and preparing a tab-delimited file for upload.

  2. On the PWS Population served page, click the E-mail population served data to WFRS Administrator link. The system opens your default e-mail and copies the administrator's e-mail address into the "To" field.

  3. Attach the tab-delimited text file containing the population served data to the e-mail and send the e-mail.