Add a Water System to WFRS                                


You can add a new water system to WFRS. When adding a water system, the system requires that you specify information such as the fluoridation type, etc.

Note: The fields that are displayed when adding a new water system will differ depending on the fluoridation status of the water system that is being added.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To add a water system:

  1. Access the Water Systems list page and click on the Add New Water System link at the top of the page. The system displays the fields for selecting a fluoridation status.

    Screenshot of Select Fluoridation Status for add new PWS

  2. Select the fluoridation status for the new water system that you want to add, i.e. adjusted, fluoridated, etc. The system enables the Continue button.
    The fluoridation status selected here will determine the fields displayed in the fields for adding the PWS.

  3. Click Continue. The system displays the fields for entering the details for the new PWS.

    Screenshot of Add New Water System - Adjusted

  4. For the Public Water System Details section, complete the fields as described in the table below.



    Public Water System Details


    EPA State/Territory

    The system pre-populates this field with the owner's state or territory information.

    Note: For a tribal system, the system displays a list of surrounding EPA states associated with the tribal owner.

    PWS ID

    Enter the ID of the new PWS system. This name must be unique and cannot be identical with the name of an existing water system. If you enter the PWS ID for an inactive system, the system gives you the option to activate it using a list of inactive water systems.

    PWS Name

    Enter the name of the water system.

    Primary county

    Select from the list of counties associated with the owner state.

    PWS Region

    Select the region for the new system from the list of regions. The system displays a list of regions to which you are assigned depending on your access level. For example, if you have been given access to only a specific region, the system displays only that region.

    State ID

    Enter the state ID of the water system, if available. This field is optional and may not display as it is not used by all owners.

    Contact Name

    Enter the name of the person to contact regarding the new PWS.


    Enter the full address, i.e. street, city, state, and ZIP code of the contact name.


    Enter the telephone number for the PWS. Enter the extension if available.

    E-mail Address

    Enter the e-mail address associated with the new PWS.

    PWS Fluoride Web Page

    Enter the website for the water system. Select the check box if you want the PWS web page displayed in My Water Fluoride.


    Enter any other important information associated with the PWS.

    Fluoridation Details



    The value displayed in this field is determined by the option selected in the Fluoridation Status field. This field is populated as follows:

    The system displays Yes if:

    • The fluoridation status is Adjusted.

    • The source system is fluoridated.

    • The status is Defluoridated and the natural concentration is > the Optimal Fluoride concentration.

    • The status is Multi-Source and the % Pop fluor > 50%.

    • The status is Natural.

    • The status is Variable and the % Pop fluor > 50%.

    The system displays No if:

    • The fluoridation status is Non-Adjusted

    • The status is Multi-Source and the % Pop fluor < 50%.

    • The status is Variable and the % Pop fluor < 50%.

    • The status is Defluoridated and the natural concentration is < the Optimal Fluoride concentration.

    Fluoridation Status

    This field displays the fluoridation status selected earlier in the process.

    Water Source

    Select the water source from the list.


    If the PWS has a Consecutive fluoridation status, the system populates this field with the name of the Parent water system.

    If the Fluoridation Status is Consecutive, the system populates this field with the word "Parents".

    This field is not displayed if the fluoridation status is Multi source.

    Last Inspection

    Enter the last inspection date or use the calendar icon to select the date.

    Note: This field is visible only if the fluoridation is Adjusted, Defluoridated, or Multi-source. You can also use the system to track and schedule future inspections. CDC recommends that all fluoridating water systems be inspected annually.

    System Type

    Select the system type for the new PWS, e.g. Military, Native American, etc.

    Last Fluoride Training

    Enter the date that an operator from the PWS received fluoride training or use the calendar icon to select the date.

    Note: This field is visible only if the fluoridation status is Adjusted, Defluoridated, or Multi-source. CDC recommends that an operator from each fluoridating water system receive at least 6 hours of fluoridation specific training each year.

    Chemical Type

    Select the source of chemical for the fluoride, e.g. NaF, Natural, Parent, etc. Select the appropriate chemical type from the Fluoridation Status drop down list.


    If the PWS has a Natural or Non-Adjusted fluoridation status, the system populates this field with Natural.

    If the PWS has a Consecutive fluoridation status, the system populates this field with the value from the Parent water system.

    This field is not displayed if the fluoridation status is Multi source.

    Total Population Served

    Enter the number of the total population that the PWA serves.

    Original Fluoridation Start

    Select the year that fluoridation started for this system. For example: If a system started fluoridation in 1952, stopped in 1965, and then restarted in 1974, you may enter either 1952 or 1974 and then enter notes in the Memo field to explain the details.

    Note: This field is visible only if the fluoridation status is Non-Adjusted, Adjusted, Consecutive, or Multi-source.

    Last Fluoridation Stop

    The month and year that fluoridation stopped for this system.

    Note: This field is visible only if the fluoridation status is Non-Adjusted, Adjusted, Consecutive, or Multi-source.

    Natural Fluoride Conc.

    The background natural fluoride concentration of the water. You must complete this field if the fluoridation status is Non-Adjusted, Natural, or Defluoridated.

    Note: For adjusted systems, this is before the addition of a fluoride chemical.

    Percentage Population Fluoridated

    Select the percentage from the drop down list. This field is available and required for Variable or Multi-Source water systems.

    Optimal Criteria

    This section is displayed if the fluoridation status is Fluoridated.


    Optimal Criteria

    Select Use Default Criteria for the system to populate the fields with default data or select Use Custom Criteria and enter your own data.

    Custom Criteria Optimal Fluoride Conc.

    Select the optimal range that the concentration to consumers should be within. This value must be greater than the Lowest Optimal Concentration and less than the Highest Optimal Concentration.

    Custom Criteria Lowest Optimal Conc.

    Select the optimal lowest range that the concentration to consumers should be within. This value must be less than the Optimal Fluoride Concentration.

    Note: If the fluoride concentration is too low, consumers do not receive the benefits of fluoridation, and if too high, they are exposed to a higher risk of dental fluorosis with no added benefit.

    Custom Criteria - Lowest Optimal Conc.

    Select the optimal lowest range that the concentration to consumers should be within. This value must be less than the Optimal Fluoride Concentration.

    Note: If the fluoride concentration is too low, consumers do not receive the benefits of fluoridation, and if too high, they are exposed to a higher risk of dental fluorosis with no added benefit.

    Custom Criteria Highest Optimal Conc.

    Select the optimal high range that the concentration to consumers should be within. This value must be equal to or less than 2.0.

    Custom Criteria Split +/- Tolerance

    Select the split tolerance range that the concentration to consumers should be within.

    Defluoridated Criteria

    Note: This section is displayed if the fluoridation status is De-fluoridated.


    Defluoridated Monitor

    Indicate by selecting Yes or No if you want to monitor defluoridation levels.

    Defluoridated Target

    Enter the defluoridated target value

    Defluoridated Optimal High

    Select the optimal high range that the concentration to consumers should be within.

    Original Defluoridation Start

    Select the year that defluoridation started for this system.

    Variable Criteria

    Note: This section is displayed if the fluoridation status is "Variable.


    Variable High

    Enter the variable high range that the concentration to consumers should be within.

    Variable Low

    Enter the variable low range that the concentration to consumers should be within

    Variable Average

    Enter the variable average range that the concentration to consumers should be within.

Adding points to a water system

You can add points to a water system and then track the fluoride levels for all active points associated with the system monthly. Points are valid only for the following fluoride statuses:

Points are not valid for the following fluoride statuses:

Note: Fluoride levels are not tracked for points associated with variable systems.

To add points to a water system:

Note: If adding an Adjusted, Defluoridated, Natural, Non-Adjusted, or Variable system, the fields for adding the default point are automatically displayed.

  1. Scroll down to the Point Information subsection to the fields for adding points.

    Screenshot of Add Point subsection.

  2. In the Point Name field, enter the name assigned to the point.

  3. In the Track Fluoride field, indicate by selecting Yes or No if you want to track fluoride for the points monthly.

  4. After completing the fields click Save.


Adding a Parent System (Consecutive)

You can add a parent system to a Consecutive water system by doing the following:

  1. In the fluoridation Details section, click the Add Parent System link. The system displays the Add Parent pop-up window.

    Screenshot of Add Parent pop-up window.

  2. Select a state or territory from the EPA State/Territory drop down list.

  3. Type the PWS ID or PWS name of the parent system in the Parent System PWS ID or Name field and select from the matching water systems.

  4. Click Save. The system saves the information and adds the parent water system.

Adding a Source to a Multi-Source Water System

To add a source to multi-source water system:

  1. In the Fluoridation Details section, click the Add Source link. The system displays the field for selecting a fluoridation status.

    Screenshot of Add Source subsection

  2. Select a fluoridation status for the Source system and click Continue. The system displays the fields for adding the source information.

    Screenshot of Add Source subsection

  3. Complete the fields in the Add Source section as described in the table below:



    Source Status

    This section displays the source status.

    Source Name

    Enter the source name.

    Water Source

    Select the water source.

    Chemical Type

    Select the chemical type.

    Natural Fluoride Conc.

    Enter the natural fluoride concentration.

    Track Fluoride for this Source

    Indicate by selecting Yes or No if you want to track the fluoride status for this source or not.

    Note: If fluoride for water system is automatically tracked, the system automatically selects Yes and disables this field.

  4. Click Save. The system saves the source and adds it to the multi-source water system.

    You can edit source information by clicking Edit on the Edit Water System page. When editing an Adjusted source, the system will not allow you to change the Track Fluoride for this Source field to No.

What do you want to do next?

Manage counties served by a PWS