Water Systems Overview                                


The Water Systems section allows you to do the following:

To display the details for a PWS, click on the public water system name in the Water Systems list or search for the PWS.

Search for a PWS

Use the upper section of the Water Systems page to search for a PWS.

Screenshot of water systems search section

You can search for a PWS in two ways:

As you type, the system displays the matching water systems. Click on the water system name to open the PWS details.

Screenshot of Search field example

Add a new water system

Use the Add New Water System link right below the Search section to add a new water system to WFRS.

Specify the results to be displayed on each page

You can specify the number of results that the system displays on the PWS list for each page using the results per page section at the top of the list. You can choose to see 10, 20 (default), 50, or 100 water systems per page. You can also choose to see all the water systems on one page.

Screenshot of Results Per Page section

Filter the list of water systems

The list of displayed water systems can get lengthy since by default the system displays all water systems for an owner. You can filter the list by the type of water system using the links at the top of the list.

Note: The link for the filter that is used for the list currently displayed becomes disabled. For example, if fluoridated systems are being viewed, the Fluoridated Systems link is disabled as seen below.

Screenshot of Water Systems list with current filter disabled