End-Stage Kidney Disease | Dialysis and transplantation were determined from ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes as follows:
Dialysis: ICD-9, V56.x, E879.1x, 585.6; ICD10, N18.6, Y84.1, V56, Z49.01, Z49.02, Z49.31, Z49.32; outpatient CPT codes, 90918, 90919, 90921, 90922, 90923, 90925, 90935, 90937, 90940, 90945, 90947, 90951, 90952-90967, 90997, 90999 and outpatient dialysis clinic (600-611) visits
(x and xx stand for all the codes within the main diagnosis).
Transplantation: ICD-9, V42.0, 996.81; ICD10, T86.1x, Z48.2x, Z49.xx and if the transplant occurred within VHA (DRG 302, 512 before FY17, 008, 652 after FY17). Procedure/surgery codes: ICD-9,556.9, ICD10, OTYO1, and OTYO2. |