Campaign Title:
Fight Flu
Produced For:
San Diego County
Produced By:
Brown Marketing Strategies
Clinical and Community Preventive Service
Adults, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Partners (i.e. community based organizations, hospitals etc.)
To develop and implement a successful influenza vaccine communication campaign to educate individuals about the flu and the importance of getting a flu vaccine which will result in more of the population getting vaccinated.
The campaign was developed with creative materials that touched the human element and educated audiences about the importance of getting the flu vaccine. The audience was segmented to groups who have not yet received their flu vaccination and addressed potential underlying barriers that may be contributing to not getting a flu shot. The messaging emphasized the importance of getting a flu shot through a variety of outreach and media platforms that reached African-American and Hispanic-American communities.
The digital campaign found success in the Phase 2 and 3 creative sets, with both driving CPAs under $40 in comparison to the Phase 1 ads with a $52 CPA. The phase 1 ads had a more infographic look; phases 2 and 3 had similar designs with different messaging regarding the Holidays/New Year. Retargeting tactics proved their effectiveness with both Spanish and English having CPAs under $2.50. The Hispanic audience had the best conversion rates outside of the retargeting tactic ($44.64 CPA). Through our relationships with multiple traditional channels, we have been able to get added value on our traditional spots as well as leverage on air interviews.