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Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) - Help

Editing your Profile

If you are a registered user, you can edit your profile to change your name, email address, or password.

  1. Log in to the application.
  2. Click the Edit Profile link at the top right side of the page. ARDI displays the Edit Profile page.

    Screenshot of Edit Profile page.

    Screenshot of Edit Profile page.

  3. Complete the fields on the page as described in the table below.
    Note: Change the New Password and Old Password fields only if you want to change your password.

    To change your... Do this...


    Update the name currently displayed in the Full Name field.

    Email address

    Update the Email address currently displayed.

    New Password

    Type the new password. Create a password that is at least 8 characters using the following tips:

    • Passwords are case sensitive.
    • Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length.
    • Passwords must be created using 3 of the following 4 character types:
      • Uppercase
      • Lowercase
      • Numeric
      • Punctuation allowed are @, #, $, |,{, }, and ^
    • Passwords may not contain your Login or any part of your full name.
    • Do not reuse old passwords.

    Old Password

    Retype the new password in the Confirm Password field. Passwords can be from five to 15 characters long.

  4. Click Save. ARDI saves your changes.

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