Annual Direct Medical Costs Attributable to Diabetes, All Payers, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Per Person with Diabetes (Dollars) Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Overall 19-64 10,846 178,776.3
65+ 11,632 156,166.8
Total 11,199 334,943.2
Male 19-64 11,554 98,762.6
65+ 11,204 74,715.4
Total 11,401 173,477.9
Female 19-64 10,083 80,013.8
65+ 12,054 81,451.5
Total 10,990 161,465.2

Data Sources: 2014 and 2021 National Health Expenditure Accounts, 2014 State Health Expenditure Accounts, 2022 Current Population Survey, 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 2015-2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

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