Annual Household Productivity Losses Attributable to Diabetes, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Per Person
with Diabetes
Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Number of
Days Lost
Cost (Dollars)
Overall 18-44 5.4 335 1,329.0
45-64 7.8 445 5,573.1
65-74 6.1 373 2,865.9
75+ 6.3 350 2,007.1
Total 6.7 394 11,775.2
Males 18-44 2.8 112 223.8
45-64 6.6 307 2,009.0
65-74 6.7 372 1,465.7
75+ 7.4 373 1,015.4
Total 6.3 310 4,714.0
Females 18-44 8.0 561 1,105.2
45-64 9.0 598 3,564.1
65-74 5.3 373 1,400.2
75+ 5.4 330 991.7
Total 7.2 481 7,061.2

Data Sources: 2014-2018 National Health Interview Survey, 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Expectancy Data (2021) "The Dollar Value of a Day: 2020 Dollar Valuation".

Note: Household productivity losses arise when people are unable to perform household services.

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