Annual Work Absenteeism Costs Attributable to Diabetes, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Per Employed Person
with Diabetes
Cost Per Person
with Diabetes (Dollars)
Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Number of Work
Days Lost
Cost (Dollars)
Overall 18-44 2.7 683 482 1,911.0
45-64 3.5 1,189 675 8,449.0
65-74 1.7 383 78 602.0
Total 3.1 955 453 10,961.9
Males 18-44 2.7 737 566 1,130.9
45-64 2.7 1,097 688 4,508.8
65-74 0.7 214 52 204.8
Total 2.4 885 468 5,844.5
Females 18-44 2.8 618 396 780.0
45-64 4.7 1,317 661 3,940.0
65-74 3.2 645 106 397.0
Total 4.0 1,050 438 5,117.0

Data Sources: 2016-2021 National Health Interview Survey, 2022 Current Population Survey, 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Note: Absenteeism cost is the cost of work days lost.

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