Annual Costs of Inability to Work Attributable to Diabetes, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Number of Persons Unable to
Work because of Diabetes
Cost Per Person with
Diabetes Unable to Work (Dollars)
Cost Per Person
with Diabetes (Dollars)
Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Overall 18-44 223,850 62,197 3,443 13,663.4
45-64 551,444 88,758 3,878 48,533.8
65-74 217,458 65,006 1,791 13,777.6
Total 992,752 77,566 3,143 75,974.8
Males 18-44 97,808 68,308 3,344 6,681.0
45-64 305,058 102,844 4,768 31,228.0
65-74 99,809 82,695 2,041 8,049.3
Total 502,675 92,423 3,679 45,958.3
Females 18-44 126,042 56,258 3,544 6,982.4
45-64 246,386 71,317 2,901 17,305.7
65-74 117,649 50,001 1,528 5,728.3
Total 490,077 62,327 2,569 30,016.4

Data Sources: 2016-2021 National Health Interview Survey, 2022 Current Population Survey, 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

Note: Inability to work costs arise when people are disabled and unable to work.

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