Annual Direct Medical Costs Attributable to Diabetes, by Payer, Sex, and Age Group, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Total Medical Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Medicare Medicaid Other All Payers
Overall 19-64 24,366.0 51,468.9 102,941.4 178,776.3
65+ 92,245.4 25,133.9 38,787.5 156,166.8
Total 116,611.5 76,602.8 141,728.8 334,943.2
Male 19-64 15,567.2 23,358.3 59,837.0 98,762.6
65+ 44,884.3 10,883.9 18,947.2 74,715.4
Total 60,451.5 34,242.2 78,784.2 173,477.9
Female 19-64 8,798.8 28,110.6 43,104.4 80,013.8
65+ 47,361.2 14,250.0 19,840.3 81,451.5
Total 56,160.0 42,360.6 62,944.7 161,465.2

Data Sources: 2014 and 2021 National Health Expenditure Accounts, 2014 State Health Expenditure Accounts, 2022 Current Population Survey, 2021 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, 2015-2019 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

Note: People can have multiple payers.

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