Estimated Annual Diabetes-attributable Costs Incurred by Employers, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group (in years) Estimated Cost Per Person (Dollars) Estimated Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)
Overall 18-64 13,320 131,872.9
65-74 12,085 19,003.6
Total 13,151 150,876.5
Male 18-64 14,439 81,499.8
65-74 12,899 12,337.3
Total 14,215 93,837.2
Female 18-64 11,837 50,373.1
65-74 10,821 6,666.2
Total 11,708 57,039.3

Note: The annual cost from the employer perspective consists of direct medical costs (from private insurance perspective) and indirect (absenteeism and presenteeism) costs.