Annual Total Costs Attributable to Diabetes, United States, 2021 Dollars

Sex Age Group
(in years)
Direct Cost (Dollars in Millions) Indirect Cost (Dollars in Millions) Total Cost (Dollars in Millions)Total costs include annual medical (direct) and indirect costs attributable to diabetes. Total Cost per Person with Diabetes (Dollars)
Overall 19-64 178,776.3 255,994.7 434,771.0 26,377
65+ 156,166.8 49,362.8 205,529.7 15,308
Total 334,943.2 305,357.5 640,300.7 21,408
Males 19-64 98,762.6 168,708.4 267,470.9 31,291
65+ 74,715.4 28,135.9 102,851.2 15,423
Total 173,477.9 196,844.2 370,322.2 24,337
Females 19-64 80,013.8 87,286.4 167,300.1 21,083
65+ 81,451.5 21,226.9 102,678.4 15,195
Total 161,465.2 108,513.3 269,978.5 18,375

Data Source: Multiple data sources; see individual cost screens for detailed lists of data sources.

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